100 White Roses Bouquet
Our elegant hand-crafted roses bouquet features white roses in modern wrapping, decorated with ribbon. With the most natural appearance of any roses on the market, this beautiful perfect gift is a great display for inclusion in any wedding ceremony or reception area.
From the truly stunning ribbon wrapped around the stems to the impressive number of crisp white long stem roses included, this arrangement will certainly turn the head of everyone lucky enough to lay eyes on it.
Created and designed without a vase for true versatility of use, whether you choose this remarkable bouquet to give as a gift or as part of your special event decor, you can't help but love the purity and innocence of only a bright white rose can offer.
Product Details:
Elegant hand-crafted Roses Bouquet.
Includes 100 White Premium Long Stem Roses.
Premium Long Stemmed White Roses Arrangement with 100 White Roses in modern wrapping, decorated with ribbon.